Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

AI In Smartphones
June 23, 2016 News


Smartphones practically appeared from out of the blue, and with little warning. They have infiltrated our lives and transformed our very existence into one that is completely dependent upon its function. The smartphone Android has only been around since late 2008 but its foothold on mankind is as deeply entrenched as its oldest religion. The Android has had a steady growth rate both in market share as well as suppliers and models, and is expected that by next year, over a third of the population, an estimated 2.6 billion people will be owning one.

One thing is for sure; they are here to stay. Although there is an expectancy that its form will somewhat morph into something quite different, maybe even spectacular, (Star Trek’s beam up comes to mind) for that we will have to wait and see.

However, the next big step in smartphone tech would seem not too un-spectacular either and to appear in the form of AI.

Googles latest strategy, which they announced earlier this year, would be to move away from data centres and into people’s lives, through smart phones. Working with Movidius, a semiconductor company, they are looking at developing Visual Processing chips that bring machine learning and AI capabilities to the phone without the huge expense of power AI would normally consume to run functions of Big Data Analytics.

As you would expect, this is not a move that’s running on a single bandwidth. Apple is already in on the hype buying a startup that’s developing AI for phones and MIT researchers have already created Eyeriss, a very much similar invention.

For advertisers, this is the golden goose.

Why? One of the functions of an AI program is the ability to understand emotions. Maybe not ‘understand’ as how we would, but able to see patterns and determine differences in those patterns, which in turn lead to our actions. Advertisers as well as companies marketing their products will want to learn buying patterns and profit off of those patterns. How hard you press the keys. How you fling your phone. Responses to everyday situations will be monitored and tabulated.

However, data mining that tabulates interactions with smartphones, algorithms and social media data, can be life changing in a positive way too. Programs like HabitRPG, Super Better or any other lifestyle tracking programs that adopt AI, will work seamlessly to the users needs. It will assist in making better choices in health and lifestyle because there will be no cheating the system or room for error. A personal trainer that sees to it you keep to your diet and workout regime that’s with you 24/7/365.

As daunting as it sounds, many surveys conducted show that AI is the next in line to take the world by storm. Simply because the demand for it has arrived. For 100,000 consumers surveyed through a span of 40 countries, 1 in 2 said they would be looking forward to AI styled phones over the current UI smartphone screens.

That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Who wouldn’t mind suggestions for places to eat based on our mood that day. Or a rundown of the latest movies and timings that would fit our schedule without even having to touch a screen and run a search. Appointments booked and scheduled without the hassle of making endless calls between liasons. AI to AI will take over the mundane while we look after the important stuff.

