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Cloud Computing and Big Data experts join ITx line-up
July 1, 2016 News

Cloud Computing and the use of Big Data in Education join the line-up at this year’s ITx conference in Wellington in July.

May-Ann Lim, Executive Director of the Asia Cloud Computing Association, and Brendan Kelly, Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Information at the Tertiary Education Commission have joined the keynote speaker line-up at this year’s ITx conference, to be held in Wellington from July 11 through July 13.

Singapore-based Lim will speak about New Zealand’s place in the Cloud Computing world and draw on her understanding of what it takes to become a global player in this space.

The Asia Cloud Computing Association reports annually on its Cloud Readiness Index (CRI), ranking countries in terms of international connectivity, broadband quality, security readiness, sustainability and other measures to produce a definitive list of the countries in this region.

Lim will outline why Cloud Computing is so important to the economic growth in this region and will explore New Zealand’s capability and what else we can do to get ahead of the pack.

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is responsible for funding tertiary education in New Zealand and all eyes are turning to our tertiary providers to ensure we turn out employees with the right skill mix for our future-focused economy.

As Deputy Chief Executive responsible for Information, Kelly’s role is to harness the terabytes of data gathered on students and their achievement to better prepare tertiary institutes for the future.

Kelly will outline why the TEC launched its big data analytics project, how it’s tracking and what the information it creates will be used for.

Lim and Kelly join a host of keynotes from across the world at ITx 2016, including Silicon Valley insider Edith Yeung, Australia-based Entrepreneur and Magician Vinh Giang, Europe tech thought leader Mark Smalley, kiwis Ian Taylor and Ian McCrae, founders of Animation Research Ltd and Orion Health respectively, and technology marketer Rachael Cotton-Bronte also from New Zealand.

This article was originally published on and can be viewed in full

