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IBM and University of Warwick Develop Big Data Ethics Course
December 11, 2015 Library big data

This article was originally published by and can be viewed in full here

A partnership between the University of Warwick and IBM is to offer researchers guidance through the ethical minefield of using big data and real time analytics.

There is a growing recognition that many professional codes of ethics relating to research and practice are increasingly ‘not fit for purpose’ given the challenges of big data and real time analytics.

Researchers are increasingly turning to online tools with little or no ethical guidance other than some vague semblance that it is important to bear in mind basic key principles. Therefore, thanks to IBM, we will be developing online materials that can be used to develop and deliver successful training sessions in this area.

The money has been granted by the IBM Faculty Awards which is a competitive worldwide programme intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and services organizations.


