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IDM Company Chooses AEM as System Level Test Provider
September 2, 2021 News

AEM, a global leader in test and handling solutions, announced that it was selected to be the System Level Test (SLT) Solution supplier for one of the industry’s leading memory integrated device manufacturers.

A key differentiator that sets AEM’s AMPS SLT+ solution apart is its full-stack solution that ranges from high-speed device handling, seamless integration of test content, advanced thermal control, intelligent data tracking and factory 4.0 automation readiness. The solution is also highly configurable to be application-specific to meet each customer’s evolving needs. This selection reaffirms AEM’s clear industry leadership providing the most flexible and cost competitive test solution across the broad semiconductor market.

Chandran Nair, Chief Executive Officer at AEM, said: “The momentum is clear. More companies are building complex chips, and multimode chips in a single package. And more of these companies are quickly realising that the only way to ensure safety, reliability and repeatability is by using the System Level Test. As pioneers in high parallel test platforms, we have a tremendous lead in deployment experience coupled with our disruptive technologies.” 

AEM has over 1,000 massively parallel SLT systems running on production floors worldwide.


