Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Stepping Up Capabilities for Industrial Transformation
October 13, 2021 News


As countries continue to emerge from the pandemic, strengthening industry resilience remains key for building back better in an endemic COVID-19 world. This is the theme for the 4th edition of the Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) as it returns from 22 to 24 November 2021 in a hybrid format to maximise regional outreach and catalyse engagement in the manufacturing and related industries.

 Industry 4.0 Key for Regional Industry Resilience

ITAP 2021’s twin focus pillars are People and Enabling Technology; both of which are keys to building resilience and sustenance for a COVID-resilient world.

“COVID-19 continues to pose major challenges for manufacturing companies conducting physical production and field activities on-site. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can help mitigate this by allowing manufacturers to work safely, reducing their risk of exposure while aiding productivity”, said Chua Wee Phong, Chief Executive (Markets) at Constellar Holdings. “We encourage companies to take this opportunity to evaluate their processes, upskill their workers and equip them with the right skillsets to optimise the usage of technology. ITAP continues to be the region’s industry platform to explore innovative solutions, expand partnership networks and build their arsenal of tools for capability development”.

“Digitization, sustainability and functioning supply chains are keys to competitiveness for production. The pandemic has clearly shown how quickly a production process can be challenged. The implementation and continuous expansion of production in the sense of Industry 4.0 becomes an even more important component in the further development of production”, added Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chief Executive at Deutsche Messe, ITAP’s international partner. “The Asia Pacific region has quickly developed into a hub for technology companies dealing with Industry 4.0. ITAP is the central stage to enter into a personal dialogue with these actors, to experience technological innovations and to do good business”.

This year’s focus on People and Technology is the result of insights harnessed from neighbouring countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, whose resounding sentiment was around workforce challenges arising from safe distancing measures.

“The situation will continue and this will create a new normal where companies have to adjust working patterns and production processes. This will be a driving force for Industry 4.0 and we will need to develop systematically and in all dimensions to create a sustainable eco-system,” said Siriwat Waiyanit, Vice President (Manufacturing Automation and Robot Center) at the Thai-German Institute, ITAP’s supporting trade organisation in Thailand, which focuses on transferring advanced manufacturing technology to the Thai industry.

Jaffri Ibrahim, CEO at CREST in Malaysia added: “As the country rebounds from the pandemic, it is more pertinent than ever for industries to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies to enable business and sectorial recovery, for socioeconomic development of the people and nation and to achieve a more resilient, sustainable economy.”

CREST is the Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology Centre in Malaysia, focusing on Research & Development, Talent Development and Commercialisation for the E&E Industry to accelerate economic growth. CREST works with the government, industry and numerous university partners across Malaysia to develop Industrial 4.0 technologies, such as the Virtual Manufacturing Flow and Predictive Maintenance with Augmented Reality, among others.

Achieving Cross-industry Synergies for Productivity and Efficiency

COVID-19 has shown us how interconnected industries are, and that a healthy and resilient eco-system will reap benefits for all. To drive synergies across related industry sectors, ITAP 2021 will be co-located with the region’s largest supply chain trade events—LogiSYM 2021 and CARGONOW 2021 for the first time.

LogiSYM 2021 Symposium, to be held on-site, will drive knowledge sharing, capability development and opportunities in Smart Logistics and Supply Chain Management Solutions, while CARGONOW 2021 will feature cutting-edge logistics technologies and innovations, Together, the two co-located events will draw attention to four pillars: Additive Manufacturing, Digital Factory, Industrial Automation and Intra-Logistics.

Inspiring Companies on Their Industry 4.0 Journey

ITAP’s mission is to help local and regional businesses at varying stages of adoption start, scale and sustain their Industry 4.0 transformation journey. While COVID-19 can disrupt this journey with unprecedented challenges, ITAP 2021 aims to inspire attendees to stay the course using a customer-centric approach to showcase actionable Industry 4.0 solutions. As with previous editions, attendees will gain extensive access to essential networks of industry experts and fellow peers locally and in the region, to explore new partnerships and collaborative opportunities.

ITAP 2021 will also see the return of the Industrial Transformation Forum, Future of Manufacturing Summit, and the Standards Forum. Industry thought leaders will be presenting and leading stimulating discussions on capability development and resilience, latest advances in manufacturing technologies, key industry developments, strategic regional developments and regional government initiatives on Industry 4.0. ITAP’s signature peer-targeted activities such as the Industry 4.0 Experiential Zone, digital sandboxes and one-on-one business matching will offer opportunities for participants to connect, as well as discover and/or showcase innovative and practical solutions.

The conferences will be held digitally while a physical exhibition will take place on-site at Singapore EXPO & MAX Atria, with adherence to safe distancing measures. ITAP 2021 is a MICE event with fully-vaccinated participants, and the team will work closely with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), venue partner Singapore EXPO and the relevant authorities to ensure participants’ health and safety at the physical exhibition.

Mr Poh Chi Chuan, Executive Director, Exhibitions and Conferences, Singapore Tourism Board said: “ITAP 2021 is an important platform for industrial transformation, providing a valuable and timely opportunity to catalyse learning, growth and recovery as we journey towards COVID-resilience. Singapore will continue to scale MICE events in a safe, trusted and innovative manner, and we look forward to welcoming our delegates to a safe and successful ITAP 2021 in Singapore.”

Details on the physical exhibition as well as more updates on ITAP 2021’s content and programming will be shared at a later date. For more information, please visit the official ITAP website.



