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Security Guards And Their Donuts At Risk Of Being Replaced By Hitachi Visualisation


“The days of security guards sitting in front of security camera monitors, with donut in hand, searching for suspicious characters, are over!” So says Hitachi’s Smart City Business Development Manager, Masaya Kato.

Masaya said this while giving a demonstration to Big Community on the ins and outs of the Hitachi Visualisation Suite which is currently being used in Australia and Washington with tremendous potential to be integrated in Malaysia and Indonesia. Malaysia with its already existing high cam density and Indonesia as a strong developing country, are both ready to implement and go to the next level of visualisation analytics.


“Take for instance in the case of face recognition, there is a two-part approach. The first being a live feed face matching, where the system is able to detect up to 16 faces per frame with an unlimited database to search from. Once the camera picks out the identity requested by the user, an alert will appear on-screen and a verification by a human will confirm the identity.

In the second approach, we can run recorded images through the database to search for persons of interest”, he added.

Masaya explained further as he clicked through the state-of-the-art visualisation interface, that the Hitachi suite is capable of integrating with existing cameras that are on site from as low as 2mp onwards.


“Most security firms have one or two parts of a complete security solution. And if they have more than one expertise, it is usually on separate platforms and therefore unable to integrate and unable to compliment each other”, he added. “The Hitachi Visualisation Suite (HVS) and Hitachi Visualisation Analytics are able to integrate and combine all the systems that are currently in use, and those which the client would like to add into one platform that is easily manageable through a seamless platform”.

He says the video analytics software delivers operational intelligence and security insights for both smart cities and digital enterprises. It provides insights, real-time alerts, and a host of other enhancements to increase efficiencies for both safety and services.

The visualisation platform is able to glean data from any touch point for its analytics, be it sensors, cameras, handphones or any other API.

“If we receive a report of a crime at a certain location, from break-ins through a door sensor, or a high risk crime location, we are able to zero in, aim the cams in the hotspot and alert local police on the situation as it is occurring. We are also able to share the visualisation with the police on location through their device”.

In more private locations such as hospitals and firms where face recognition is not immediately needed, a face mark feature is available that blocks out the persons face so as to remain anonymous. However, with the right clearance, one would be able to retrieve the identity. One would wonder how much authority would one require to access private information. Masaya reasoned that for crime prevention and imminent danger security issues, those files would be accessed.

Currently Hitachi does provide their own Big Data solutions for the client, but are able to integrate to the clients needs and environment. Masaya says in conclusion that the market is rapidly changing and touch-points are becoming increasingly available for monitoring and providing smart city services. “With todays technological solutions, security solutions are available horizontally across all industries and that puts the HVS and HVA platforms in a unique market to be able to provide the solutions necessary to the current demands of society”.





