Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Big Data Analytics
June 20, 2016 News

Here’s a quick rundown on the process Big Data Analytics goes through in a simple format.

The journey of Big Data starts where there is a collection of an enormous amount of structured or unstructured data. From emails, voice mails, pictures, banking details, insurance data and in any situation where vasts amounts of data is inherent.

Next the data is loaded and stored in flexible scalable storage and stable enough to hold massive volumes of data and users. Then it will be analysed to be used as insights to improve user experience.

Each section described requires a different skill set in managing the data.

The Chief data officer overlooks the whole process from beginning to end while Data Engineers handle a more specific area at the start of the data collection process.

Data Scientists are also involved in most parts as they contribute ideas to enhance and produce better results for the end product but focus primarily on the results aspect.

Data Wranglers try to ensure data is clean and accurate, Data Engineers build the platform to collect, store and analyse the data. The list goes on – managing Big Data properly requires a team working in unison.

A fully functional Big Data analytics engine can produce amazing results such as reducing and prevention of crime in hot spot areas or even prediction and prevention of disease.

However mistakes can be very costly. Such as the botched mismanagement of the UK National Health Service’s National Programme for IT. A prime example. The plan to bring all patient medical records into a central database was described as the “biggest IT failure ever seen” and was scrapped after more than £10 billion had been spent.

The project was beset by changing specifications, technical challenges and disputes with suppliers throughout its implementation. Experts also say the project was not properly planned from the beginning and the ‘jump on the band-wagon’ attitude.

The cost of a mistake can be exorbitant. At the same time the significant changes that Big Data can bring about can’t be overruled.

Big Data really can be a game changer – this graphic makes it look easy – but the reality is planning, having the right people at each stage, and constant assessment is critical to getting results that are meaningful.

