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Adobe Contest Aims to Attract Students to Exploding Career Opportunity
December 11, 2015 Blogs big data

This article was originally published by and more reading on this contest can be viewed here

One of the biggest challenges for a college student is choosing a major that will launch a career. One area is growing in a huge way, and Adobe is trying to fill that need. Since 2009, Adobe has worked to attract college students to the field of big data with a contest that offers a big prize.

The Adobe Analytics Competition aims to interest college students around the country in big data analytics, a career sector that’s skyrocketing and needs qualified employees.

Companies worldwide want to better serve customers on websites and mobile devices by knowing where people spend their money. Adobe tracks that information and holds the contest to encourage students to enter the field.

Adobe gets them interested, get the curriculum changes done at universities and help them create the next generation of leaders that marketing organizations will require in the world’s top brands.

