Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Complete Human Network Helps Businesses Solve Cash Flow Problems and Implement Green Tech Into Their Operations
February 11, 2022 News

The Complete Human Network team


In line with growing 21st century green technology and sustainability practices, Complete Human Network (CHN), an enterprise mobility company, has been promoting the implementation of its enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service solution to provide business owners nationwide with greater access to new technology and supplies. This ensures a continued operational efficiency across industries without compromising the eco-friendly standards that Malaysia aims to achieve moving forward.

CHN’s end-to-end enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service solution allows enterprises to install mobile devices without the fuss of owning and maintaining devices. By implementing this solution, enterprises will be able to save more than 50% of their total cost of ownership. The solution includes installation service, device customisation, device management and mobile threat defence management; hence, an in-house IT team would not be necessary. A complete device lifecycle management would also be provided ensuring that all used devices will be reconfigured and prepared for a second life cycle. Partnering with Apple has allowed CHN to manage more than 100,000 Apple devices for enterprises throughout the years without any shortages in physical components and parts.

Mobile devices have become a necessity for people of all ages. However, the current purchase trend of mobile devices is not sustainable for the environment, evident in last year’s collection of 2,283.7 tonnes of electric and electronic waste (e-waste) by Malaysia’s Environment Department (DOE). The enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service solution model is effective to curb the negative impacts of device purchasing. All devices purchased by CHN will be maintained closely in order for it to be used to the optimum. Devices that are outdated due to new launches every year will be sold as second-hand devices or be sent for the extraction of precious metals and reusable parts. Enterprises would also have the choice to buy back the devices once the contract finishes.

“The world is on high alert due to e-waste polluting the air, land and water with its toxic chemicals when it is disposed of in landfills. Customer purchasing trends are also ever-changing with most opting for premium experiences and products at affordable prices. As an avid believer of the convenience and innovation that technology offers, our aim as a purpose built mobile-first company is to supply businesses with enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service solutions that would be sustainable for both the entrepreneurial and natural ecosystem. Through our solution, we have helped names such as eTiQa and Astro to achieve digital adoption and enhance service delivery to their clients,” said Teh Chai Peng, Founder of Complete Human Network (CHN).

Keeping the Momentum After a Decade of Service

As a mobile solution provider, CHN aims to be the pioneering enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service company in Asia. With 10 years in the industry, its expertise in providing a secure and trusted solution has earned them the Asia’s Most Promising SMEs at the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES) in 2021. Additionally, CHN has partnered with notable industry players like Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, HP, Celcom, DiGi and Maxis to provide reliable end-to-end solutions for businesses to meet the demand of digitalisation.

“We would like to be one of the leaders in providing a sustainable model for technology ownership. We have many plans ahead to embrace a future where sustainability does not need to be sacrificed for technological advancement,” added Teh.

Moving forward, CHN looks to help SMEs implement this solution and achieve effective digital adoption through a sustainable green tech model. 2022 promises plans of further expansion and key partnerships to ground its solution model to benefit all Malaysians.

To find out more about Complete Human Network, visit

