Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Big data offers Jolly good route to success
September 5, 2016 News


In less than four years, three entrepreneurs have developed JollyChic from a startup to one ofChina’s largest e-commerce clothing exporters, and their ambition is to globalize the idea ofaffordable fashion and design.

Four years ago, Li Haiyan and his two partners met in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiangprovince. All of them were confident of the prospects for China’s e-commerce exports, andafter paying several visits to overseas markets, they decided to launch a B2C (business toconsumer) platform to sell Chinese clothing to Europe, the United States and the Middle East.

The company was founded in December 2012 under the name of Jolly InformationTechnology Co Ltd. To date, through cooperation with domestic suppliers, Jolly has expandedits revenue from 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) in 2013 to 500 million yuan in 2015.

Jolly Information Technology has also helped up to 1,500 Chinese small and medium-sizedenterprises get rid of the label of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) supplier andpromote their brands overseas.

JollyChic, the online shopping brand of the company, has become the most influentialChinese mobile e-commerce app within the Gulf Cooperation Council member states ofBahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Ding Wei, one of the three founders and current executive president of Jolly, said big datawas one of the keys to the firm’s fast growth over such a short period of time.

“Through tracking each product’s search ranges, ready-to-pay rates and consumer feedback,the smart system can make simultaneous analysis and calculate the potential orders fromtime to time, so that Chinese manufacturers can quickly respond to market demand and getprepared for overseas orders,” said Ding.

Spending dozens of million yuan on research and development, the company now boastsmore than 100 software engineers in Hangzhou and Silicon Valley in the United States.

Big data also helped Jolly unlock huge market potential in the Middle East, and offered moretailor-made products to the area since two years ago. More than half of the company’srevenue now comes from this market.

Ding said the Hangzhou-based company will pay more attention to meeting the needs of USand European consumers in the coming years.


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