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Birst Wins Big Data and Analytics Category in Enterprise Innovation Awards 2015

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Birst, the global leader in Cloud BI and Analytics, today announced that Birst has been named the winner of the Enterprise Innovation Awards 2015 in the Big Data/Analytics category. The Enterprise Innovation Awards program seeks to identify companies in the Asia-Pacific market that are innovators in their use of technology, as well as the companies that demonstrate an ability to help other companies succeed through their innovative products or services

These awards recognize technology-enabled innovation in the Asian market by measuring business performance, revenue impact, cost savings, technological innovation and transformational factors of a vendor implementation. Birst was selected as the winner after an extensive nominating process among the vendor community across Asia. The process included a semi-finalist round carried out by popular vote with end users and a final round among the top three vendors from voting in which Birst was selected by a panel of editors and publishers from Enterprise Innovation.

Enterprises are collecting massive amounts of data. Unfortunately, the siloed mentality to developing business intelligence and analytics tools is leading to failures for many to truly gain competitive insight from the terabytes of data being accumulated.

Birst’s ability to pull data from multiple content sources and across different systems, in real-time makes it a compelling argument to both business and IT leaderships disillusioned by the failures of current systems to provide a single truth of the business.Business Intelligence

