Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

CAT Telecom Thailand: Pioneering a Premium Private Line Market Through Next-Gen OTN
December 14, 2020 Blogs


We saw a rapid acceleration of digital transformation this year as organisations were compelled to adapt quickly to the pandemic crisis in order to survive and thrive. Perhaps, this explosion in digital growth has also become too fast for some organisations to keep up with if they are not equipped with the right strategies and technologies.

In the telecommunications world, challenges in connectivity have also emerged. According to Colonel Sanpachai Huvanandana, CEO, CAT Telecom PCL, we have seen how much technology is changing rapidly as we move from twisted-pair coaxial cable fibre optics to the fifth generation of the mobile network era that we are entering now.

As he addressed the virtual audience during Huawei’s Better World Summit 2020, Colonel Sanpachai added that the global business trend will move forward even faster and hence, there will be a need for new emerging technologies, especially in the telecommunications space.  He then shared five global telecom trends driving the need for next-generation solutions.

The first one is about the globalisation of businesses today as the world becomes more and more connected. For Colonel Sanpachai, understanding the customer in this situation requires a lot of data analysis and the accessing of data faster than before can provide a tremendous competitive advantage.

Secondly is the digital business transformation, which requires the enterprise to undergo important changes in order to provide better and more efficient services. The third one is about business automation. According to Colonel Sanpachai, every enterprise will pay more attention to business automation and the ability to transmit vast amounts of data quickly will enable organisations to use machine-learning and automated technologies efficiently.

Business and operational resilience will also play an important role in ensuring quality service to customers. This has been widely demonstrated during the pandemic and the lessons learned from the global crisis will hopefully mean that businesses have taken measures to ensure resilience to endure whatever challenges that may come.

Lastly, Colonel Sanpachai touched on the sustainability that every business is expected to have. “We need to understand the customer – offering them what they need with the speed, process and trustworthy services”, he added.

With the case of CAT Telecom Thailand, which is a state-owned enterprise, the nation has been heavily investing in technology and infrastructure to keep up with these trends. In fact, this initiative has enabled Thailand to increase its rank from 32nd to 20th in terms of Internet bandwidth speeds and from 19th to 14th for investment in telecoms compared to last year, as per the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2020.

“We offer a wide range of telecommunication services and general solutions. We own almost all of the submarine cable network system in Thailand. We have invested heavily in the connectivity with our neighbouring countries. Our goal is to become a part of the ASEAN digital hub”, said Colonel Sanpachai.

During his session, Sanpachai announced that CAT has collaborated with Huawei to install the next-generation optical transport network, also called the next-gen OTN, the first premium private line in Thailand. According to him, with this technology, they could monitor real-time traffic and automatically switch the route to the fastest connection.

CAT’s network design requires only one hub between each data centre, which means CAT can guarantee the minimum latency with the maximum bandwidth the customer requires with 99.9% service level agreement.

“As a state-owned telecom enterprise, it is our honour to use our premium private line service to support many government projects, such as the Government Data Centre and Cloud Services, Phuket Smart City, Thailand National Single Window and so on. With high performance, guaranteed bandwidth, speed and latency – we will make Thailand become the hub of the ASEAN in the near future”, said Colonel Sanpachai.

The CAT Premium Private Line also features a national coverage for Bangkok and 76 other provinces, higher availability with Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) protection, ultra-low latency through one-hop direct connection and controller enable predictive operation and maintenance.

“Why can Premium Private Line support your business? We guarantee your regional visibility and global reach from our nationwide coverage, neighbouring country connectivity and worldwide submarine cables. We guarantee 99.9% service level agreement with [satisfactory] speed, bandwidth and latency”, he explained.

This is made possible with the use of advanced technologies such as Huawei’s iMaster NCE, the industry’s first network automation and intelligence platform that integrates management, control, analysis and automation functions. It effectively implements business intents on physical networks and provides centralised management, control and analysis of global networks.

As a result, organisations that leverage the premium private line network are able to reap significant benefits such as guaranteed ultra-low latency, wide-coverage, high security and availability, as well as enhanced intelligence and agility. Colonel Sanpachai concluded, “We have connected the data centres and Huawei, our global partner. We can be your single point of contact to the world”.

