Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

How the Power of Data Makes the Impossible, Possible
August 4, 2020 Blogs


Chaos Theory tells us that within seemingly random, chaotic, complex systems, there lies patterns, repetitions, similarities or loops.

“Random”, “chaotic” and “complex” are all words that sound just at home in the world of data science. Today’s organisations are tasked with handling massive amounts of data points and extracting meaningful correlations beyond which the human mind can comprehend.

When event A leads to event B – what are the string of related events between the two?

Is there a reason why business in branch A is doing much better than branch B with certain demographics and not others? Why are there surges of footfalls in the store in location C whenever it rains? What factors led to more customers purchasing item D as soon as unrelated item E was placed on sale?

The answer lies in chaos. But advanced data platforms and machine learning technologies are now empowering organisations to find order in the data chaos, find detectable patterns, predictable behaviours, correlations and even make predictions with increasing precision – Making the impossible, possible.

For instance, we can use data to solve some of the more complex social problems society is facing. Cloudera, using its data engineering, data warehousing, machine learning and analytics capabilities, vows to help address these problems.

One example is how the Cloudera Foundation, with its data scientists using the Cloudera platform, is improving the healthcare of children in Burkina Faso. Along with the Terre des Hommes Foundation, Cloudera is achieving the following outcomes:

  • Enhancing the gathering of data through the use of IoT devices for the healthcare centres
  • Making the data available on the cloud for easier access
  • Detecting errors in data input in real-time to give necessary feedback to the health workers
  • Enhancing surveillance with predictive models using data such as locations, weather, etc.
  • Applying machine learning and neural networks to detect correlations and patterns on health issues

By harnessing the power of data the foundation is now able to improve patient diagnosis and treatments, monitor and evaluate the quality of healthcare by giving health workers in the most remote areas access to a database with over 5 million consultations. They believe they are on course to “save the world” as neural networks continue to be trained with multiple sources of data to detect correlations between outbreaks and other information.

On solving complex problems, we often seek complex solutions that are sometimes beyond the problem itself. But with the help of tools such as those provided by Cloudera, we can now look into the core of each problem, working our way from the inside (data itself) to the outside (analysis of data). Regardless of whether the data is located on-premises or in the cloud, Cloudera is able to intelligently pinpoint and uncover the critical information required to solve the issue.

This is how data can make the impossible today, possible tomorrow. With the right amount of data and the appropriate platform, we can look for the emergence of patterns and with that, we can plan ahead and be prepared or the future.

Imagine all the business and real-world problems that could be solved with the power of insight and foresight.

