Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Creating Big Data Culture
December 11, 2015 Blogs

Gaining value from big data is all the rage right now – and for more than one reason. Investments in the right tools and applications can spell big payoffs.

According to McKinsey, data-driven organisations are 23 times more likely to win new customers, and six times more likely to retain the ones they already have. But there’s a disconnect.

It’s clear that companies are buying into data solutions, but often times they aren’t doing anything with that investment.

Ovum stated, for example, that more than 70 percent of telecommunications companies have invested in big data analytics, yet less than 20 percent have actually deployed them.

Similarly, Gartner predicted a massive failure (85 percent) across Fortune 500 organisations to effectively make use of big data to gain competitive advantage from this.

At every phase, and within every department, data projects face roadblocks: from strategy and architecture, to implementation, to adoption, and all the way through to analytics.

Without the proper buy-in and support, these roadblocks will halt a project. The solution to navigating obstacles boils down to changing the way an organisation sees itself.

According to Ron Bodkin, founder and CEO of Think Big Analytics, what we need is a cultural shift. In order to make any initiative successful, it takes a team consensus and a strong leadership. And big data is no exception.

In his articles How the C-Suite Can Create a High-Impact Big Data Culture, Ron shares tips on how to develop Big Data culture.

Read Ron’s full article here:

