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Dell Technologies and Microsoft Collaborate to make easier and smarter IoT solutions
May 3, 2018 News


Comment from Big Community Editor:

More than anything, this is an announcement about a partnership rather than any ground breaking single new technology. The combination is good, and partnerships where multiple vendors ratify an approved solution are always welcome. They simplify design and implementation, have proven field cases and in theory mean that support for the solution when needed should be coordinated and happen without “finger pointing between vendors”. In the case of Dell, VMware and Microsoft, you couldn’t have three more powerful companies coming together all totally committed to IoT technology and what it can achieve. We will be interested to see if these three powerhouses invite smaller IoT specialist companies to join this collaboration in the future. Perhaps the most significant part of this release is the ratification of Dell’s IoT’s strategy to bring intelligence and processing close to the connected edge.


Dell Technologies and Microsoft Collaborate to Help Customers Simplify Delivery of IoT Solutions

Industry leaders join forces to build secure, intelligent edge-to-cloud solution featuring Dell Edge Gateways, VMware Pulse IoT Center and Microsoft Azure IoT Edge

Dell Technologies World, LAS VEGAS – May 2, 2018 News summary

  • Joint IoT solution helps simplify management, enhances security and help lowers cost of deployment at the edge
  • Built on innovative analytics applications, management tools and edge gateways to enable network security from edge devices to the cloud
  • Accelerates IoT adoption in industry verticals key to economic growth and developmentFull storyDell Technologies and Microsoft are collaborating to deliver a joint Internet of Things (IoT) solution designed to help vertical customers simplify deploying their end-to-end IoT solutions, from the edge to the cloud. The combination of Microsoft Azure IoT applications and services, VMware Pulse IoT Center and Dell Edge Gateways will offer customers streamlined management, centralized monitoring and security from devices to the cloud.Businesses that are implementing IoT initiatives today have invested significant resources and manpower to research and integrate a multitude of hardware, software and cloud services across the fragmented IoT landscape to stand up a solution that meets their business needs and adheres to IT departments’ stringent standards. Those businesses want to harness advanced services such as artificial intelligence (AI) and

real-time decision making while also making sure all deployment, asset management, security and compliance requirements are met. Together, Dell Technologies and Microsoft will make IoT easier for customers by delivering a secure solution that provides consistent infrastructure management from the edge to the cloud.

Delivering an integrated, secure solution to unlock the potential of IoT

The joint solution offers an underlying IoT infrastructure, management capabilities and security for customers looking to deploy IoT for scenarios like predictive maintenance, supply chain visibility and other use cases. The solution will deliver:

  • Intelligence at the edge with Microsoft Azure IoT Edge: This application extends cloud intelligence to edge devices so that devices can act locally and leverage the cloud for global coordination and machine learning at scale
  • Management and monitoring of edge devices with VMware Pulse IoT Center: This provides more secure, enterprise-grade management and monitoring of diverse, certified edge devices including gateways and connected IoT devices, bios and operating systems. This ecosystem will be built over time involving deeper integration and certification to support customer requirements.
  • High-performance, rugged Dell Edge Gateways: IoT devices with powerful dual-core Intel® AtomTM processors connect a variety of wired and wireless devices and systems to aggregate and analyze inputs and send relevant data to the cloudAn IoT solution that is greater than the sum of its partsVMware Pulse IoT Center will serve as the management glue between the hardware (Dell Edge Gateways or other certified edge systems), connected sensors and devices and the Microsoft Azure IoT Edge. Initially, Pulse will help to deploy the Microsoft Azure IoT Edge to the requisite edge systems so that it can start collecting, analyzing and acting on data in real-time. While this joint solution is optimized for Dell Edge Gateways it can continuously manage, monitor and better secure certified combination of gateways/edge systems with the latest patches and updates on an ongoing basis as well as monitor the health of these connected devices. Customers relying on Microsoft Azure IoT Edge and VMware Pulse IoT Center for their IoT initiatives will be able to provision, deliver and more securely manage their Microsoft Azure IoT edge components.
