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Global Big Data in Healthcare – Personalization of Patient Care Set to Boost Data Analytics in Healthcare Sector by 2022 – Research and Markets
May 17, 2016 News

The Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector is estimated to grow over $34.27 billion by the end of 2022.

Several forces are triggering the boost in the overall demand for Big Data integration in the healthcare industry. Governmental agencies are encouraging the use of Big Data in the healthcare sector. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Health Data Initiative (HDI) is starting to release data from agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in order to access public data of patients for clinical trials and other research activities. To ensure adequate access to information in a standard format, the Federal Government announced the Big Data Research and Development Initiative in March 2012, to support the release and usability of the data stores.

The integration of Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector will, in turn, keep the patients and the healthcare ecosystem aware of what is appropriate for them. Big Data analytics will ensure that the patient gets the most appropriate treatment by connecting the patient with the right kind of care provider. Data could also be utilized to provide improved clinical trials accuracy. Physicians at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare analyzed 4 years of Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) data to detect and classify patients with diabetes for public health surveillance.

Clinical analytics is foreseen to have a high growth potential by 2020 due to the implementation of innovative technologies like Precision Medicine, mHealth, and sensors in the healthcare industry. Big Data analytics will play a huge role in the evolution of new forms of treatments to treat different therapeutics and will also provide many opportunities to various organizations to skillfully take part in Big Data technology in the present as well as for the future.

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