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IBM Watson gets CognizeR extension
August 15, 2016 News


Who works with big data? Is it mostly developers or DataBase Administrators (DBAs), or even sysadmins? The answer of course, increasingly, is none of the above… we are defining new roles in the form of so-called ‘data scientists’ or ‘data engineers’. These are the people most commonly getting their hands dirty in big data engineering where they will often be exposed to the R programming language.

What is the R language?

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.

R was designed 20 years ago to allow academic statisticians and others with sophisticated programming skills to perform complex data statistical analysis and display the results in any of a multitude of visual graphics. In the past, R has been criticised for delivering slow analyses when applied to large data sets, but more recent versions of the language are attempting to address this problem.

Advanced analytics & cyber security

Columbus Collaboratory is an ecosystem of companies and partners focused on innovation in the areas of advanced analytics and cyber security.

According to IBM, “CognizeR offers easier access to a variety of Watson’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) services that can enhance the performance of predictive models developed in R.”

Using the CognizeR extension, users can get a channel to IBM Watson directly from their R environment.

“As we collect feedback, we’ll be able to continually improve the experience by adding the cognitive services that data scientists want and need the most,” said Shivakumar Vaithyanathan of the IBM Watson Content Services division.

Ty Henkaline, chief analytics innovator, Columbus Collaboratory comments say, “CognizeR now shortens the journey toward building real cognitive solutions by providing quick and easy access to Watson services. Releasing this code to the open-source community advances our mission of delivering accelerated business value to our member companies and beyond.”

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