Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Internet of Things Tops 2015 Healthcare Big Data Analytics Trends
December 11, 2015 Blogs big data IoT

This article was originally published by and can be viewed in full

Patient engagement has always been a high priority for healthcare reform advocates, but few technologies have been able to personalize the care experience like the new crop of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and home monitors that have been made available to consumers in the past year.

The Internet of Things (IoT), a loose conglomeration of personal tech and provider-centric data analytics tools, promises to keep patients connected to their caretakers in unprecedented ways.  IoT devices have the potential to improve patient safety, make chronic disease management simpler, and provide healthcare organizations with the detailed data they need to engage in effective population health management programs.

The visionary technologies and lofty goals of the Internet of Things are just getting started, but providers with their eye on 2016 should try to prepare themselves for the infrastructure requirements and big data analytics competencies that they will need to meet patient expectations and triumph in a tightly woven technological world.

