Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Introducing Neo4j AuraDB Free in Asia Pacific
November 16, 2021 News


Neo4j, the world’s leading graph data platform, has announced the general availability of Neo4j AuraDB FreeTM, a perpetual free tier of the company’s popular graph database as a service, AuraDB, with no credit card required to get started.

With the release of AuraDB Free, Neo4j aims to bring the most deployed graph data platform to all, with zero friction and zero cost, accelerating the adoption of their transformative graph technology for modern intelligent applications. Developers can rapidly learn, prototype and develop with graph technology without the burden of infrastructure management. The free tier delivers the fastest path to graph in an easy to use, fully managed cloud service.

Neo4j Asia Pacific Vice-President Nik Vora explained that Aura Free was an important component of the company’s offering to all segments of users under an Aura4All ethos.

“Neo4j AuraDB Free provides developers and organisations with a frictionless pathway to learn and test best-in-class, free graph data platform solutions from Neo4j”, Vora said. “Once they’re ready to take the next step, we have Professional and Enterprise available, our Aura4All ecosystem caters to the most basic of graph data requirements up to processing more than 200 billion nodes and more than a trillion relationships”.

More about Neo4j AuraDB Free

Anyone can get started with Neo4j AuraDB Free by visiting this link. AuraDB Free includes one free graph database with support for all core functionality and developer tools including Neo4j Bloom for data visualisation. For larger scale, advanced security, disaster recovery and dedicated support, users can easily upgrade to AuraDB Professional or AuraDB Enterprise tiers. AuraDB Free supports Neo4j connectors and integrations, including GraphQL, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka and BI Tools.

With AuraDB Free, users get the best of Neo4j technology in a fully automated cloud service that is:

  • Friction-free. An easy-to-use platform with built-in learning guides and one-click deployment
  • Hassle-free.  Automatically optimised with upgrades and patches applied without any downtime.
  • Always free. No credit card required ever to start or use.



