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MapR Advances Big Data Containerization in the Enterprise
March 9, 2016 News

San Jose, CA – March 8, 2016MapR Technologies, Inc., provider of the industry’s only converged data platform, today announced new advances for containers including persistent storage and integrated resource management in the MapR Converged Data Platform. Organizations can rely on the only big data platform that lets them easily run stateful, containerized applications, such as those in Docker. The MapR Platform also now includes Apache Myriad, which removes barriers between resources managed by Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos.

Enterprises are seeking new ways to deploy Docker containers that require stateful data. To go beyond transient, stateless, containerized applications, distributed persistent storage is required to complement Docker. The MapR Converged Data Platform acts as a comprehensive data services layer for Docker containers.  Not only does the platform provide distributed, resilient storage for these containers, but it also includes the database and messaging/streaming capabilities that many containerized operational applications require.

According to Matt Aslett, research director, data platforms and analytics, 451 Research, “Given the level of interest in Docker, it seems inevitable that enterprises will, at some point, want to run data-intensive workloads on the container technology. However, standard Docker containers include data volumes tied to an individual server, which means that if a container fails, or is moved from one server to another, its connection with the data volume is lost. As such, containers are not designed to be persistent – a key requirement for any data-intensive workload.”

The new MapR POSIX Client uniquely presents a fully distributed, secure, reliable, read-write file system to Docker containers for resilient Docker deployments on commodity hardware. This lets organizations deploy data-oriented applications in Docker with the assurance that critical data will be persisted across application or server failures, or container movement across servers with no manual intervention.

“We use Docker extensively in order to provide continuous product updates, helping our clients understand the behavior of their customers to make better business decisions,” said Simon Reid, group executive – technology, Quantium. “MapR gives us a resilient storage layer for Docker containers, ensuring we don’t lose time or data when containers or servers crash.”

A converged data platform delivers on the promise of the Zeta Architecture. This represents a new modern data architecture that gives enterprises flexibility and scale to deploy an interoperating network of computing technologies. With MapR, organizations get key components of the Zeta Architecture, including a distributed file system, real-time storage, a pluggable compute model, as well as dynamic and global resource management. Together with Docker and Myriad, the MapR Platform comprehensively supports a variety of solution architectures and enterprise applications that work together. The combination enables environments that treat data as a shared pool between enterprise applications and analytics, eliminating data latency, duplication, and complex pipelines.

“The most innovative enterprises are always seeking new ways to derive business value from their technologies. They’ve previously struggled with integrating disparate technologies into a cohesive framework,” said Jim Scott, director, enterprise strategy and architecture, MapR Technologies. “The Zeta Architecture is an ideal implementation model that captures the importance of containerization as an inherent part of data center deployments. Based on feedback from our customers, MapR offers the only platform that can deliver on the vision of big data containerization.”


This article was originally published and can be viewed in full here

