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MARii and PEKEMA Forge Strategic Collaboration to Accelerate Development of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
August 13, 2021 News

Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) and the Malay Vehicle Importers and Traders Association of Malaysia (PEKEMA) inked a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) towards the development of Electric Vehicle (EVs) infrastructure, as well as strengthening the EV value chain in Malaysia.

Through this MoA, MARii and PEKEMA will collaborate to set up 1,000 EV charging stations (DC rapid chargers) around the country by 2025. At the same time, both parties will co-develop connective applications that include e-payment, charger locators, battery management systems and service centre networks for the charging ecosystem.

The development activities will be coordinated through an Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence that will be established through this partnership. The Centre will address key enablers towards ensuring a harmonised and integrated charging ecosystem that caters to the demands of future e-mobility users.

The COE will also operate as a focal point for aftersales service support as well as implementing training, repairs, warranties, consultation, communication, marketing and coordination of strategic collaborations in EV-related areas.

“MARii congratulates PEKEMA and its members for taking a bold step in increasing consumer and industry access to electrification in the country. It is yet another important achievement of public-private partnership in realising the involvement of Malaysians in high-value technologies, in line with the National Automotive Policy 2020 that is coordinated by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)”, said MARii CEO, Dato’ Ts. Madani Sahari.

Dato’ Madani explained that the Centre of Excellence is an important platform for the EV ecosystem, particularly in sales, aftersales and consumer experience of EVs and will add a new dimension to the ecosystem of MARii facilities such as the MARii Design Centre, MARii Academy, MARii Simulation & Analysis Centre (MARSAC) and the National Emission Test Centre (NETC).

PEKEMA President Dato’ Zainuddin Abdul Rahman explained that this year alone, 11 EV charging stations have been built. PEKEMA is further committed to develop aftersales service centres, create new opportunities in high skilled jobs and accelerate the adoption of green renewable energy.

“I believe that this MoA will expedite the areas of collaboration between PEKEMA and MARii, and also generate new collaboration areas that bring prosperous impacts and benefits in the era of environmental friendliness”, said Dato’ Zainuddin.


