Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

MDec outlines Malaysia’s big data ambitions
March 23, 2016 News

Malaysia’s Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has launched ‘Big Community’, an online community  portal developed by Asia One Publishing Group (AOPG).

The new development aims to bring individuals and organisations together to move forward in the area of Big Data Analytics (BDA) and data-drive innovation, as it provides at platform that covers sharing of knowledge, collaborations, discussions and network opportunities.

Karl Ng, director, Innovation Capital, MDeC said: “One of our main goals is to increase awareness on Big Data Analytics and encourage adoption among businesses in the country. Together with AOPG, we developed the ‘Big Community’ as a strategic, robust platform to provide local businesses access to ‘bigger’ and more global opportunities in data analytics,” is managed by AOPG, a South East Asia IT publisher, and with MDeC’s support in content development, it aims to educate users on Big Data and its application. Furthermore, the portal will also feature related events, job opportunities as well as thought leadership and educational stories from around the region.

Several key features of the portal are:

  • Accessible access to Big Data experts and data scientists from around the world
  • News section updating on the latest Big Data news
  • An education section featuring various educational programmes and courses
  • An employment section providing updates on relevant job opportunities
  • Events section which updates on industry summits and conferences and
  • Lastly, a social feed to extend conversations to the Big Community Twitter page


This article was originally published on and can be viewed in full here

