Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

Meet Your ‘Big App Challenge’ Mentor
November 22, 2016 News


The Big App Challenge finalists were given a boost towards setting up their own start-ups based on their winning hacks, through the Big App Challenge Pre-Accelerator organised by the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).

All the finalists were invited to the MDEC office to meet with CEO’s of start-ups to give them an idea of what is expected of them in running a start up in the real world.

The finalists who comprised of two tracks, the Professional Track and the Academia Track, were also given time for questions and answers and will have the opportunity to be mentored by the companies until the finals.

This was a good move from MDEC as some contestants were not ready for what was installed for them in the coming months. This is because most of them entered the hackathon challenge to try their hand at hacking and winning the monetary prize. Little did they know they would be chosen to have their creations make a change in the world.

As shared by team Minion, they had no experience in pitching their idea to multinational companies. This left them feeling lost and a little confused. However, thanks to the Pre-Accelerator program set up by MDEC, they have a clear picture and will be able to prepare themselves for the final pitch scheduled on the 8th of December.

Participants from the Acadamia Track had the same issue with their presentations. Being students and having little experience in the working world, the students felt overwhelmed with the task at hand. In essence they would need to come up with a business plan, ROI’s and market strategy so as the investors will take their ideas seriously and make it a reality for them.

Thankfully, the Pre-Accelerator program addressed these issues by assigning successful start-ups such as Shoppertise and Petsodia to discuss, coordinate and design proper business plans.

Below are pictures taken at the Pre-Accelerator meet-and-greet between the participants and startup companies at the MDEC office.


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