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Step by Step – Migrating Public Cloud VMs to GCP
April 9, 2021 Blogs


Cloud migration is becoming a necessary step of IT modernisation for many businesses. However, without a proper plan or know-how, it can be one that is fraught with challenges.

According to a report by Rackspace Technology, more than 80% of organisations said that their migration projects run over-time and/or over budget. About 30% of migrations resulted in additional costs while 41% are unable to align with their proposed time.

On top of that, having migrated to the cloud doesn’t mean that your worries are over. It isn’t uncommon for organisations that have migrated their workloads to the cloud to encounter various challenges.

Perhaps your current public cloud, as reliable as it is, just isn’t the right fit for your IT environment or applications. Or maybe you are also looking to implement a multi-cloud approach, where you need to deploy various workloads into several cloud providers to further improve flexibility and resilience.

Whatever your circumstances or requirements may be, you need to remember that the cloud is not a destination, but a journey. To ensure success, you will need the right partner that will help you achieve these and guide you in your migration journey. When it comes to choosing the right cloud provider, you can’t go wrong with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). As one of the world’s leading cloud providers, GCP can ease the journey in migrating your workloads from another public cloud platform to its environment.

Say you are planning to migrate your virtual machines (VMs) from your current cloud provider to GCP in advancing your organisation’s virtualisation capabilities, whether because you need a better platform that suits your changing requirements or you just want to deploy your VMs in a multi-cloud environment.

Using Google Cloud Migrate for Compute Engine, you can easily and effectively migrate your public cloud VMs (from AWS or Azure) to GCP. For your VM-based apps, GCP converts VMs that run natively in Google Compute Engine instead of relying on your existing platform. This is helpful for companies who want to modernise gradually over time or those who have time constraints.

Google Cloud also supports various operations when migrating your public cloud VMs to the platform, including run-in-cloud, storage migration, move back, prepare to detach, detach and clean-up.

Migrating to GCP delivers many benefits for your IT environment. With GCP, you can scale your VM capacity dynamically to match actual workload needs. Migration to GCP also ensures that you can modernise critical applications easily once your data centre’s operations shift to Google Cloud.

Google Cloud Platform’s migration solutions are purpose-built and enterprise-grade. They deliver to enterprises the tools and processes that both accelerate and de-risk their migration, enabling customers to honour stringent application SLAs regardless of application complexity, stateful requirements or size of datasets.

A huge stumbling block in all this is that not all organisations have the resources, time or know-how to manage a large migration effort. Thus, it is essential to have a partner that is trusted by Google Cloud to help get you to where you want to be with the cloud. Rackspace Technology, chosen by Google in 2017 to be the first Managed Services Provider, can work with you to ensure all resources, communications and tasks are orchestrated as planned.

With over 220 Google Technical Certifications across the organisation, Rackspace Technology ensures a safe and orderly migration to GCP, following best practices across various technologies and testing approaches.

If you would like to learn more about your organisation’s preparedness for the cloud or whether Google Cloud is right for your organisation, Rackspace Technology provides a free online assessment that can give you a detailed report on where your cloud migration maturity level.

Click here to take the assessment.

