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Think Big can address Malaysia’s big data talent shortage, Teradata says
August 22, 2016 News

Linked to  the spirit of collaboration with Malaysia’s national ICT agency MDEC, Teradata’s Think Big company has offered its consulting services to help address the talent requirements needed to build a regional big data analytics (BDA) hub.

“Since becoming part of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)’s National Big Data Analytics (BDA) Innovation Network, Teradata has been working closely with MDEC to drive BDA adoption in Malaysia and develop high impact BDA projects,” said Saqib Sabah, country manager of Teradata Malaysia.

Think Big will clearly augment our collaborative efforts with MDEC to accelerate the infusion of data science skill-sets into the nation’s talent pool,” said Sabah.

He said Think Big’s services for the Malaysian market included analytics consulting for the entire big data ecosystem, from data lake design and implementation to managed services and training for Hadoop.

Such services are usually engaged by enterprises to build and manage technology architectures that take advantage of open source and big data to create new and actionable business insights, Sabah added.

Hadoop ecosystem

Hadoop and its fast-growing ecosystem of open source projects have quickly become first-class technology assets, regardless of an organisation’s size or geography,” said Martin Oberhuber, principal data scientist and international practice lead at Think Big.

Oberhuber said Think Big Velocity services include Data Science [a review of analytical capabilities], Architecture and Roadmap, Data Lake design and governance as well as training and mentoring.

Founded in 2010, Think Big, a Teradata Company, has 11 offices in the Americas, Europe, and Asia to serve customers in more than 40 countries.

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