Covering Disruptive Technology Powering Business in The Digital Age

You Don’t Have to Choose Between ‘Big Data’ and ‘IoT’
December 11, 2015 Blogs big data

This article was originally published by and more reading can be viewed here

For too long, IT managers and executives have pondered their digital future in the light of all the hype surrounding big data and getting the right IoT solutions. Faced with finite budgets and resources, they wonder if going in one direction or the other is more advantageous for them.

Here is where the problem lies: For one, there is an abundance of literature that touts the advantages of IoT solutions, frequently talking about the sort of data problems that can be solved, but never makes the connection between big data and IoT explicitly. On the other hand, there is even more information on the sort of big data problems that seek solutions and how best to go about solving them, but we don’t often see the connection between those problems and possible IoT solutions. One wonders whatever happened to the age-old wisdom of staying focused on the problem statement or pain point and approaching it from a process-oriented perspective.

In Las Vegas, at the Technology Executive Summit which ran parallel to SAP Tech Ed, we saw an amazing sense of energy from participants who confirmed that IoT is not merely about the next sexy app that draws on sensors galore and presents a beautiful dashboard. It’s also about achieving an optimal result – one that solves the problem at hand. It’s not about claiming use of modern and emerging technology – it is about deploying the right technology to solve the right problem.

In Singapore, the focus was on leveraging the IoT to help provide relief to sports teams and professional athletes by helping them prevent injuries. With such a solution, coaches and physiotherapists can actually have fact-based discussions with professional players about what will need to be done to prevent them from getting sidelined by injury.

