Georgia Tech and UNC’s RENCI to Lead the South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub
The Georgia Institute of Technology and University of North Carolina's Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) will co-direct a new Big Data Regional ...
December 11, 2015 // data science //

Think Big Claims ‘First to Offer Comprehensive Managed Services’ for Hadoop Data Lakes
This article was published in vanillaplus .com and can be viewed here
To ensure that Hadoop data lakes are available, optimized, and secure, Think B ...
December 11, 2015 // Data Lakes Hadoop //

Big Data’s Big Social Impact
This article was originally published by www.marketingmag.com.au and can be viewed in full here
The big challenges charities face in harnessing data ...

Quanticmind Expands Leadership Team to Provide Smarter Advertising
QuanticMind, the Platform for Smarter Advertising, is a rapidly growing software-as-a-service company. It is the performance leader in predictive adve ...

Big Data: Where Are We Headed?
This article was originally published by IT ProPortal.com and can be viewed in full here
Big data is currently on the fast track. The rapid ongoing d ...

IT Market in China 2015-2019
China is witnessing increase in IT innovation and its adoption across industries. Enterprises in China have become increasingly dependent on technolog ...

How AT&T Leverage Big Data to Improve Internal and External Operations
This article was orginally published by the Dallas Business Journal and can be viewed in full here
AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) has spent two years workin ...

China Building an Asia Database for International Shipping
This article was originally written and published by the India Times and can be read in full by clicking here.
BEIJING: A big data base for internati ...
December 11, 2015 // Blogs //